Tuesday, February 15, 2005

last week i went shopping

that is right. i was feeling a little upset, well really upset and so i decided to go shopping. now this is not like anyone else who goes shopping for clothes, nope i went shopping for food.

it was marvelous. i bought food, and a really big beer stein (me...drink...never), and a mixing bowl, and measuring cups, and a set of farberware knives, and cookie sheets and some other things too. it was grand.

then i went home and made me some dinner, wow it felt great to cook. just the release that i needed.

it is really funny because i am starting to get notorious around my floor that is am a great cook, and one of my brothers, ben, has this sixth sense and always seems to know. so when i am cooking he is always right there when i finish asking for some.

it always makes me smile, because of course i have learned to make anough for him because he will always be there. it is our little ritual now and it is quite amusing. at the same time it is nice because in a way i feel appreciated. he always has the biggest grin on his face when he asks me and if i torture him and make him wait he gets upset. so it makes me feel happy inside.

just the little pick-me-up i needed last week.