Thursday, January 27, 2005

life of a junior college student

monday-wake up, go to class on time, eat lunch, track practice, study, video games sleep. favorite moment...none.

tuesday-wake up late (no class till 12), print out notes and homework, class, lab, come late to practice, eat, shower, homework, study, movie, bed. favorite moment...convincing my chemistry teacher i am not crazy.

wednesday-wake up, miss a class because i did not set my alarm clock right, skip lunch, class, bio lab, practice, eat dinner, shower, play video games and watch a movie. favorite moment...pulling frog eggs apart.

thrusday-wake up, class, eat, track practice, lab, work and write on blog site. favorite moment...pulling my hamstring, no not really.

friday-wake up, go to class on time, eat lunch, study for a bit, go to track practice and do nothing since i just pulled my hamstring, shower, eat, study some more, got to be early. favorite moment..if it follows anythign like the rest of the week probably none.

saturday-wake up at 5 so i can get ready for the track meet that i will probably not be running in, sit down for 12 hours, ride in a bus for another 4, come home, paooibly party if i feel the need. favorite moment...watching everyone else do something that i love and i cannot.

sunday-wake up, do some homework, study, go to chapter, get breakfast somewhere in the middle of all that, more homework after chapter, dinner, CHURCH, movie and sleep. favorite

yea i got this idea from here.

  • The Workingest Girl