Friday, November 24, 2006


this is the time of year when we should all give thanks for everything around us. our fredom, the sun, the sky, air to breathe, food to eat, friedns, families and great loves...well i think it is time for thanks-taking.

you know i think it is that time of year where everyone should be thanking you for all of the stuff you had to put up with from them. how you are an amazing child, sibling, parent, grandparent or other relative, friend, foe (those are fun too) or love...

people should be gratefl to bask in your glory, that you bestow your grace upon them. only then will thanksgiving (thanks0taking in some people's cases) be what it is supposed to be.

by the way the people like me who are thanks-taking you know who you are and you are freaking MAGNIFESCENT!!!!