Sunday, April 02, 2006

how long it has been

well i must say that it certainly has been a very long time since i have written something here so i thought that i should start again.

well there have been many things that have happened. one is that i have had a tattoo for a very long time, now i know this might not be big news but i am thinking about getting another one on my back.

i was diagnosed with a muscle disease that has now gone away, thank goodness. and i got into a car accident.

ok enough with all of the bad stuff, it wears me out. so you know what i learned, everything in life is so much fun it is all in how you look at it. granted things like death really are not fun but it is about celebrating the life. i guess i kinda thought about it when i thought i was gonna die and now i have realized that celebration is just that great so everything in life is wonderful, even if it does not feel like it right away.

nothing really comical or interesting today, perhaps tomorrow.