Thursday, June 23, 2005

joy for breakfast, anger for lunch

you have a new message would you like to open it? that is what appears on my screen when i get to work today. so i click yes. it is loz asking for furniture for her new apartment. so i respond as usual and the classic sean and liz banter continues for about an hour over email.

we dicuss our friends marriage, her apartment, and my 21st birthday and how she is taking me out. well i felt great after the converstaino because i was sad that there would be no one that i could celebrate with and now there are 2 i am happy.

well that was until i talked to my agent. my credit score is horrible right now and i cannot be insured anymore. when i turned 21 my premium would drop two 1800 a year, which isnt' bad for a 21 year old. but now because my father has ruined my credit i am screwed.

i am so mad right now i do not know what to do and therefore i am making him pay all of the 5200 a year that it increased to because my insurance got cancelled. i really do not think that he will like that at all but hey he ruined me so he can deal with the concequences of his actions.

needless to say i am not happy anymore, oh yea and my loan just doubled because of this whole thing because of this i know i will have to pay it he will not. just like him, ruin my life and then leave. so back to work.

something really good must be on its way for me because life is horrible right now.