Thursday, March 03, 2005

he just died...

so my friend just died in brazil. well not really cuz i just got done talking to him earlier today.

he was on a mission trip for two years and it sounded like he had a blast. it is funny seeing someone after that long and seeing how much you change, and yet how so much of you has stayed the same.

talking with him and listening to him talk gave me perspective on a lot of things, and it was very nice and refreshing. it is nice that i can always have a deep converstaion with him and also shoot the shit (pardon my french). but when i left i was happier and a little more energized and that is a good thing.

i stopped by to see liz today and she was not there and i was sad. so i left and went home.

i cannot wait to see her and jen. hey maybe i will bring josh along one if these days and they can meet him. i think that they would like him, since we all have about the same taste in friends.

oh and josh this is for you

"how do you kill a purple elephant? with a purple elephant gun. so then how do you kill a pink one? you hold it's trunk until it is purple and then shoot it with the purple elephant gun."

what is wrong with me? i do not know but man is it awesome.