Wednesday, November 29, 2006

back with a vengence

joanne albers has stuck again! in the past two days five people have that is kinda bad and i feel bad for everyone that this effects. now funny story only one of them affects the people who attend this school right now because a prefessor did just pass.

that was the worst one of all.

but honestly stuff like a graduate of 10+ years ago does that effect my life!?!?!?!?! i did not know him, and i am sure most of the people attending this school did not know him. mainly staff would have known him and i am pretty sure that their response would be like, oh that is sad my condolences to the family...and that is about it.

other than reminding us about constant death around us what is she good for?? well that is if she really exists.

oh yea did i mention that i might have gotten a job...we will discuss this more if i find that it is set in stone, but until then keep your fingers crossed.

Friday, November 24, 2006


this is the time of year when we should all give thanks for everything around us. our fredom, the sun, the sky, air to breathe, food to eat, friedns, families and great loves...well i think it is time for thanks-taking.

you know i think it is that time of year where everyone should be thanking you for all of the stuff you had to put up with from them. how you are an amazing child, sibling, parent, grandparent or other relative, friend, foe (those are fun too) or love...

people should be gratefl to bask in your glory, that you bestow your grace upon them. only then will thanksgiving (thanks0taking in some people's cases) be what it is supposed to be.

by the way the people like me who are thanks-taking you know who you are and you are freaking MAGNIFESCENT!!!!

Friday, November 17, 2006

that thing...

guys you know you better WATCH OUT, some girls, some girls are only about that thing, that thing, that thi-i-i-ing, that thing, that thing, that thi-i-i-ing.

girls you know you better WATCH OUT, some guys, some guys are only about that thing, that thing, that thi-i-i-ing, that thing, that thing, that thi-i-i-ing.

the story of my life right now? hmmm let me think about that for a minute...NOPE. no one i know is about that thing right now. but oh well what can you do?

yea i know kinda boring today

Thursday, November 16, 2006

my new glasses

so how do you like them? i think that they are great? and they are green, who else has green glasses? no one...ok in the world i am sure that there is at least ONE other person with them but i do not know that so in my life i am the only one with green glasses.

here are some pics for all you fans that have not seen them yet and for those who have seen them and cannot get enough of they look good i still do not know if i think i like them on me, but i do like the way they look period.

who the !@#@ is joanne albers

ok so i swear that this woman does not exist. come on man can this woman only do one thing, send out death notices?

she is like the valpo grim reaper...honestly i could not think of a more morbid job. that is why i think that she is a bot programmed to just send these emails out so some person does not have too. it seems like every time i get something from this b_ _ _ h it is about someone related to a professor, or faculty worker or something like that has died. i can understand telling us if one of our professors parents or children pass, but outside of that, and i do not mean to sound like i do not care or have no compassion or anything, why the h-e-double hockey sticks do we the students care?!!?!?

i can understand that death is a big thing but i would not like to have my business put out over the campus-wide list-serve every time someone in my family passed, and plus i really do not think most people would give a hoot anyways.

i guess this is my rant about something stupid but honestly joanne do you not have anything else better to do with your life than tell every single student about everyone who has died because less than 25% of the student body at any given time knows who you are talking about. get a hobby or something...sheesh!

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

saying good-bye

sooner or later i will have ot say good-bye, you know to all of hte wonderful things that i have been surrounded with these past few years and i must say i will miss them all...

noises that wake my up at 6 in the a.m. and keep me from going to bed
nasty smell of ginkgo biloba fruits rotting on the ground
unattractive women
VU police dept
year round construction
nasty cafeteria food that costs entirely too much
funky smells that come from the sewers
all of those emails about every one's way to distant relatives deaths that no one other than the family cares about from joanne albers who i really do not think exists
erratic weather
unattractive women (sorry but this is valpo we are talkin about)
physical plant and all of their shortcomings
no places to park
cisco clean access
did i mention unattractive women
8 am classes
fire drills at 10pm
water shortages
constant construction
ugly landscaping
oh did i forgot to mention unattractive women?
constant construction

i will miss you all...

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

shiny new T-O-Y

you know that feeling you get when you get a shiny new toy, yup that is me right now...except my toy is extra special, it can KILL you. muahahahahahahahah (by the way that is my evil laugh, just in case you did not know).

well all it is, is a new set of knives for culinary school. i am so excited.

oh did i tell you how i was gonna take over the world? lemme tell you...

first i am gonna go to culinary school, and learn how to cook really well. and then i am gonna fatten everyone up til they cannot think straight. remember that phobia list i posted? yup i am gonna use that to scare everyone into submission, especially the one about the great mole rat?!?! what the h-e-double hockey sticks is that?!?!?!?!

actually the way i am gonna take over the world is marry oprah. then i can just buy the world.

anyways sports fans that is about all i got for you tonight.

oh by the way do not drink rat poison, it is bad for you. that skull and cross-bones is a dead give-away.